Give something back to nature and society with the insect-friendly greening of your company premises.

The insect population is constantly declining dramatically. The natural habitat is dwindling, yet the six-legged creatures are particularly valuable for an intact ecosystem. We have been experts in creating insect-friendly areas for over 12 years.
INSECT-RESPECT offers landowners individual advice and design, creation and maintenance of insect paradises, as well as media support and documentation.
With an INSECT-RESPECT certified habitat
Promote regional biodiversity and in this way actively combat insect mortality and raise awareness of the value of insects. INSECT-RESPECT areas have been proven to be particularly valuable for insects and the surrounding ecosystem. Endangered species have already been found in the habitats.

INSECT-RESPECT has the expertise to create insect-friendly habitats. Where possible, the work to create the green spaces is carried out by the users of the sites. This is an attempt to create a connection to the area and thus make a valuable contribution to the users’ understanding of nature. Encourage your employees, their wealth of knowledge and their connection to nature. You can also strengthen your employees’ interpersonal skills by working together on our hands-on construction sites.
Promote your attractiveness as a company and save the cost of the time-consuming mowing and watering of conventional lawns. INSECT-RESPECT areas only require maintenance every six months and do not require any artificial irrigation.


Area examples
Social design as a driving force.
We want to make the world a little more empathetic and sustainable. Our activities are based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. We consciously put ecology and social issues before the economy. Our motivation is to shape society: to do as much good as possible.
HALFAR SYSTEM GMBH, Bielefeld, 2022
In 2019, bag manufacturer Halfar worked with INSECT-RESPECT to green the roof area to create a compensation area and in 2022 part of its company premises in Bielefeld, creating a paradise for insects and other species. This also supports local biodiversity.
CAPTRAIN, Bremen, 2022
In September 2022, Farge-Vegesacker Eisenbahn GmbH (FVE) – a company of the Captrain Deutschland Group – renaturalized more than 400m2 of its operating area in an insect-friendly way. The area was awarded the world’s first quality seal for a new approach to insects, INSECT-RESPECT. Captrain is thus setting an example against the sealing trend and making a contribution to biodiversity.
RECKHAUS, Bielefeld, 2022
In 2022, the parking lots of Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG in Bielefeld were redesigned and insect-friendly INSECT RESPECT habitats were created. After just a few weeks, various insects could be found in the parking lots for insects.
DIERING, Deppendorf, 2022
SCHOOL WAID, Mörschwil, 2023
IKEA, Piancenza, 2024
IKEA, Belgrade, 2024
On May 16, 2024, the first INSECT-RESPECT partner area in Serbia was opened together with IKEA! A paradise for insects was created in Belgrade. At the opening event, the international management team symbolically scattered flower seeds to underline the commitment to biodiversity and the cooperation with INSECT-RESPECT. This is the third area that we have realized in partnership with IKEA.