Have your product certified with INSECT-RESPECT and we will create an insect-friendly product area as compensation or for promotion.


The insect population is steadily and dramatically declining. The natural habitat is dwindling, yet the six-legged creatures are particularly valuable for an intact ecosystem. With the INSECT-RESPECT seal of approval, we are actively involved in the biocide industry and want to raise awareness of the value and importance of insects. At the same time, an area is created for each product on which the insect loss of a product is compensated. If the product is not designed to kill insects, it can be certified to promote insect-friendly habitats. In this case, a certain amount is set per product, which flows directly into such an area.
Equalization model
A product kills insects that are subsequently missing from the ecosystem. This loss is compensated for. The compensation is achieved by establishing insect-friendly extensive flat roof greening in residential or industrial areas. This involves creating new green flat roofs or upgrading existing ones.
As simple as the principle is, as difficult is its implementation. To calculate the required compensation area, ARNAL – Büro für Natur und Landschaft AG helped to develop an ecological model for insect protection that is neutral in terms of control.
The methodology developed – the first of its kind in the world – is based on the weight of the insects (live biomass).

Total live biomass removed (WBT)
Total weight of insects destroyed by a specific insect repellent (WB) multiplied by the number of units of the product in question (P) marketed and sold during a year.
Biomass on compensation area (BA)
Weight of insects to be expected on a fully developed extensive flat roof (compensation area).
Biomass original area (BU)
Weight of insects to be expected on the original area.
Correction factors (K)
The correction factors (u, l, e, b and s), which are multiplied by the expected weight of the insects, take into account the quality of the original and compensation area as well as the existing and expected biomass.
- Implementation date (u): Time of creation of the compensation area
- Habitat (l): nature conservation and qualitative value of the compensation and original area
- Development status (e): Development status or age of the compensation and original area
- Biodiversity (b): expected species diversity, animal groups- Structures (s): existing structures that increase the quality of the habitat and biodiversity
Compensation area (AF)
The size of the compensation area (AF) required for the intervention is calculated from the difference between the total live biomass removed (WBT) and the biomass to be expected on the compensation area (BA), taking into account the correction factors (K), minus the biomass occurring on the original area (BU), taking into account the correction factors (K).
- Does the product protect humans from insects by controlling them or keeping them away? Does the product promote the insect population?
- Do the product and its claim meet the legal requirements?
- Can the technology and formulation of the product be assessed as up-to-date and good in terms of effectiveness, environmental compatibility and user safety?
- Is the product in line with the INSECT-RESPECT philosophy?
- Is the partner prepared to promote less use of biocides and the value of insects?
- The partner must be demonstrably committed to the environment and have anchored sustainability in its corporate philosophy.
- No insecticides
- No environmentally hazardous substances (without hazard symbol “environmentally hazardous”)
- Claims without trivialization and vague statements (“nature”, “natural”)
- Full compensation for application damage (insect losses)
- Detailed instructions for use (e.g. for targeted, effective control)
- Useful information on prevention
For products that generate insect losses
- Calculation of the intervention according to a scientific model (insect biomass per product)
- Calculation of the compensation (required area in cm² for compensation)
- Planned quantity
- Compensation costs
For products that keep insects away or encourage them
- 1% of the sales price is used in full for the creation of new insect habitats
Additional price for greening the product, if applicable
- License fee for INSECT-RESPECT
Allocation to an existing compensation area or creation of a new compensation area before the products are sold.
Once all criteria have been met and the process implemented, the label is awarded. The INSECT-RESPECT seal of approval is valid for a product range without any time limit as long as it fulfills the points mentioned.
Audit by third parties
An independent auditing company verifies that the compensation calculations for products comply with the INSECT-RESPECT compensation model.
Product areas
Product areas refer explicitly to the certification of products. The product area can serve as a compensation or promotion area. The areas are always created as close as possible to the sales area of the product.
RAUM, RÖMERSTEIN, since 2019
Raum is greening a roof area with INSECT-RESPECT to actively support insect diversity. A paradise for insects was created using different substrate heights and various plant species.
ALUKON, Heigerloch, since 2019
The insect screen manufacturer Alukon greened the roof of its new site in Haigerloch together with INSECT-RESPECT in 2019. The green roof was created as a near-natural roof area and has been green and blooming ever since. With a rich selection of forage plants, dead wood and gravel, it is well received by insects and birds, especially as they find a completely undisturbed habitat here.
RECKHAUS, Bielefeld, since 2012
Since July 2012, the flat roof of the Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG administration building in Bielefeld has been an insect-friendly zone: the first INSECT-RESPECT compensation area. The investment enables extensive greening on 200 m², additionally supported by mounds and small structures. In its original state, the roof consisted of a protective film without organic substrate and did not contain any living biomass. The redesign as an extensive flat roof results in a qualitative living biomass of 20 g/m2. According to the INSECT-RESPECT compensation model, this value is adjusted by several correction factors, which corresponds to a potential of 288 g/m2. Multiplied by the 200m2 of green roof, the compensation area offsets the loss of 58,100 g/m2 of living biomass.
Product examples